Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Neckleson park

On Wendseday year three and four went to neckleson park to plant a tree. Then we went to Scarborough park and had sausage sizzle after the suasage sizzle we got ice blocks. Then we went back to school and went into the pool for the hole after noon.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bellas picnic

Once upon a time there lived a little girl. Her name was Bella. She had long brown curly hair. Bella lived
in a colourful house on the edge of a massive forest.

One day Bella went out for a picnic. In the distance she saw a sparkling. Bella said maybe I might have my picnic here. So she sat down and started to eat her sandwich. Then suddenly out from behind a tree a old women appeared. 'Give me your apple please' said the old women ' why ' said Bella as she didn't know that the apple was magical "dont fight now give me that apple'' its my lunch. the old women took of her disguise and turned into a witch.The witch got out her wand and said 'Freeze'! Suddenly Bella was rock hard.The witch grabbed the apple and ran away.bang! suddenly a happy elf appeared.he clicked his fingers and Bella was free. Bella tried  to say thank you but he was gone. he cames back with the apple and gave it to Bella. When she got home she wondered how the elf got the apple off the witch. Bella figured out that the elf was magical. She told her mum and dad all about it but they didn't believe her.